Here are a few maps created at the conclusion of projects completed in the MSGIS program. The Rock Island county, Illinois map shows the results of a successful model development. The model locates tax parcels suitable to host solar gardens. The parcels were selected using a binary approach. Any parcels that intersected unsuitable area were selected, then the selection was inverted. The selected parcels were copied to a new layer.
The UTA map was originally hosted as a web service to visualize the various Bus, Light Rail, and Train routes in Salt Lake county. The web map is no longer accessible, however the symbology is still saved in a map document.
The Oregon site map was created as a favor to a fellow graduate student with limited cartography skills. The map was inserted into a article and is pending review to be published into a Paleoecology journal.
MSGIS Skills: Cartography and Graphic Design

Symbology was created for a web map showing UTA services in Salt Lake County.
Site map served as the first deliverable for the US Solar sponsored project.

Site map was developed as a favor to a friend. Map is in an article pending review for publication.